Stereotypes are primarily associated with objects that very closely mimic the shape of the penis. Meanwhile, in fact, the number of solutions available when it comes to sex toys for girls in the vibrator category is much larger than we think. One of the most interesting alternatives to traditional vibrators, which for various reasons not all women like, is the rabbit vibrator .

Rabbit, which is an incomparable tool of female pleasure

The history of rabbit vibrators is extremely interesting. They were invented in Japan, and their special form was dictated not only by the desire to give women the greatest pleasure, but also ... the need to bypass erotic censorship. For a long time, Japan was strictly forbidden to produce and sell female sex toys. The rabbit vibrator was not like a penis, it was not so associated with standard sex toys that the Japanese authorities recognized the "rabbits" as an exception. Soon this extremely interesting type of vibrator moved to the United States and Great Britain, where the worldwide expansion of rabbits began.Rabbit ear vibrators are very popular among slightly more advanced erotic accessory gamers and are unanimously recognized as one of the best tools for female pleasure. Why is there such a great opinion about these inconspicuous gadgets?


  1. Multifunctionality. Multifunctionality with rabbit ear vibrators can mean two different things (this will be discussed later). In this case, by multifunctionality, we mean that due to its specific structure, the rabbit vibrator is able to simultaneously stimulate the three most sensitive and receptive female areas, namely the clitoris, G-spot and vaginal entrance. For this reason, playing with a rabbit gives effects that are incomparable to what we can achieve using a regular vibrator, even if it is equipped with additional elements such as curves or tabs.
  2. Rabbit ears. At first glance, it may seem that the rabbit ears, which make up the characteristic shape of a sex vibrator , are just a fashion accessory designed to perform an aesthetic function. Nothing could be more wrong! The job of rabbit ears is to gently but continuously massage both sides of the clitoris. Thus, the pleasure is much more intense than when stimulating this part of the vagina, for example, with the tongue during oral sex. In addition, for more technologically advanced products, you can program the strength of the rabbit ears vibration or set the gradual increase mode, which, combined with the constant stimulation of the vaginal interior, is an easy and wide way for a truly epic orgasm!
  3. Technological progress. Rabbit ear vibrators offer their designers some truly extraordinary options when it comes to adding more features and modes. All because of the unusual structure, thanks to which the vibrator stimulates several different areas of the vagina at the same time. Therefore, there are gadgets on the market that allow, for example, programming variable changes in the intensity of vibrations of individual parts of a rabbit, which means that playing with such a vibrator is not monotonous sex, but rather making love with a grandmaster of sex that does not allow a woman even for 10 seconds boredom.
  4. They do not resemble the shape of the penis. For many women, the problem with vibrators is often that they clearly mimic the look of a male penis. For this reason, some women resist letting go of the belief that enjoying an erotic toy is just a worse or even "shameful" substitute for sex with a man. The rabbit vibrator makes it easy to get around those fears. Its shape is in no way reminiscent of a dick (unless one has a really vivid imagination), making it a great toy for both beginners and professionals, as well as for those women who do not want to use the traditional vaginal vibrator. Compared to them, the bunny is much more intimate, has no associations, and can be a great way to not only please yourself, but also gradually learn about your sexuality.
  5. Saving. It may sound a bit unusual, but an important benefit of rabbits is that they also save a lot of money. Very often, women who crave intense erotic sensations buy several different types of vibrators: designed to stimulate the clitoris , G-spot , vaginal entrance, and so on. This is not only impractical, but also simply expensive. The rabbit ear vibrator combines all the characteristics of the types of vibrators just mentioned: it provides all-round vaginal stimulation leading to multi-dimensional orgasm. Rabbit ear vibrators are also much more convenient than other types of sex toys, so taking a rabbit with you to work or travel is not a big problem.
sex toys for girls


While talk of female pleasure and especially sex toys is still somewhat taboo, a lot has changed in this regard in recent years. We already know perfectly well that a vibrator is not a substitute for a man, and the use of sex toys is not a bad thing, either in the ethical sphere or in the field of sexual health. Quite the contrary: women who use vibrators know their sexuality better, study their body and become better lovers. The choice of vibrators available on the market is, of course, extremely wide, but due to its unique advantages, the rabbit vibrator is probably the best solution available in the field of erotic toys.