Sex Toys for Girls:How to properly clean my vibrator?

It is done! You have bought your first vibrator (or the fifth… Why keep only one?) And now what? It's clear: Now it's time to enjoy!But after using it, a common question usually arises: How to clean the vibrator? And it is that, for you to be able to use your dildo for a long time, you need to have and maintain basic hygiene standards.Remember that keeping everything very clean is very important, but when it comes to sex… it is essential!

sex toys for girls

It is interesting to know that there are some excellent sex toys for girls( cleaners on the market . An antibacterial, antifungal and antigerm disinfectant hygienic lotion is enough . Many people also wonder how to clean an anal dildo, a sex toy that, due to its type, requires maximum hygiene and disinfection. For this reason, there are also specific anal dildo cleaner products .And beyond the cleaners, there are many tips when it comes to cleaning erotic toys . Let's meet them!

Cleaning of sex toys for girls

In this post we try to answer in a clear and simple way one of the most common doubts in sexual health: how to clean sax toy(both vibrators and anal toys ).Once you have tried, felt and enjoyed your new acquisition , how do you clean it?It is very tempting to put it in the dishwasher, without asking any more questions, but something tells you that it is not a good idea… And you are right!Even when there are no delicate motors, the water will probably be too hot for most toys, risking warping or premature wear. But… it would be a shame!So here are some rules that you must respect in terms of hygiene and cleanliness to extend the life of your peripherals . Some are very obvious but, just in case, we review them because after several Tupper Sex meetings we have realized that there are many doubts about it... Also read:Vibrating Dildo:Our ideas for having fun in the heat!

7 things to keep in mind when cleaning best sex toys for girls

Read the instructions that come with the toy carefully. Each one has specific specifications that must be respected if you want to keep it in perfect condition for as long as possible. In most cases of "normal" use, you can also clean it with neutral PH soap and warm water . But if you share it with other people, we advise you to wash it with very hot water and a good antibacterial soap.In addition to after each use, you should clean the vibrator well before using it for the first time .Sex toys should be like toothbrushes: they can be kept together, but not shared . In the remote case that the need is pressing and you decide to share it with another person...

Always with a condom when using sex toys for girls in India

Before washing any device, remove the batteries or battery and thus avoid complications. Dildos and toys that do not have a motor and are made of silicone, PVC or hard material (such as steel, glass...) can be directly immersed in boiling water for 5-10 seconds . This way you will make sure you have them clean for the next use. To avoid corrosion of engine parts, avoid completely covering it with water. If they are submersible, no problem!Regardless of the type of material of the toy, it is preferable to let it dry in the air and when it is almost dry, go over it with an absorbent cloth that does not leave "lint".For good preservation, store your sex toys in a dry place. Here is another common question: Where to store them? You are not going to put them in the shoebox that serves as a hiding place under your bed, or place them on the shelf in the living room... (Although there are some so beautiful that they deserve a place like this!).Those of you who have been to my meetings already know that I recommend that in all bedrooms there be a “red drawer” where you can safely store your collection of peripherals and, if it is better locked, to keep them out of the reach of children or nosy mothers-in-law. ! 😉As you can see… It is very easy to take care of these new friends!