Sex Toys for Women:what happens to the body?


The first kiss is never forgotten: everyone has well in mind when, how, why and above all with whom it happened. The first kiss sex toys for women( is an unforgettable moment in life, for many even more intimate than the first time you make love. The first kiss, in fact, causes a dopamine discharge at the level of the limbic system , the neurotransmitter of pleasure responsible for the sensation of magic and butterflies in the stomach. Dopamine then stimulates the production of endorphins in the hypothalamus that trigger involvement, like a drug (legal and free).The kiss involves four of the seven cranial nerves and from 36 to 40 facial muscles (of which 14 only at the lip level), consuming from 2 to 3 calories per second. A one-minute kiss burns 26 calories . Spending an hour kissing consumes over 1500: you can skip the sex with sex toys and dedicate yourself to this much more romantic practiceThe lips, the border area between the skin and the buccal mucosa, have the finest portion of skin of the whole body and, moreover, are full of sensory neurons. This makes the tactile sensation that arises with kissing much more intense than when, for example, caressing someone. RELATED:Sex Toys for Men:how and what?

sex toys for women


Kissing also increases the production of a hormone, oxytocin, which increases the emotional bond and rapprochement between two people.When a kiss is particularly engaging to some people it seems that the heart explodes with emotion: this is due to the rapid release of adrenaline, a substance that makes the heart beat faster, also causing an increase in redness on the face: we are not hot, we are alone. very very excited. After all, anyone who compares being in love to a hangover doesn't go too far from reality: the effects on the brain of oxytocin, the well-known love hormone, are quite similar to those induced by alcohol. Ah ... the science of kissing is called filematology . And those who are afraid of a kiss could suffer from filematophobia .